søndag 19. juni 2016

Finding our legs and settling in


All well on board!

Fri 17 Jun
12:30 Leave the dock. Lovely breezy day. Furled with 1 reef.
23:00 Hydrovane wind steering coping, just. Magnus finding his legs. Good night.

Sat 18 Jun
09:00 Lively night. Barometer rising. Things are forecast to lighten up as we will be engulfed by a H which we hope to ride E as it passes. Sunshine and chilly at the moment. 13 down below, 12 outside.
14:00 Charge and motor as we are stuck in fickle.
New breeze from W starts to pick up and we sail into the night. Did I say night? Full moon and starry realm. Gliding along doing 5-6kts. Magic.

Sun 19 Jun
03:00 Put in a reef and furl some for Magnus' watch.
09:00 Another reef and some more furl. Yeehaa!
We're on the N fringe of a H ridge enjoying all it entails.


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